Home page: The German Reigning Houses (deutschen regierenden Häuser)

Copyright © V. Rozn 1999-2009
Comments and questions can be mailed to the author

Last updated : Jan 4, 2009

The Rulers of the German States since 1815


(In 1834, the House became extinct, and the land passed to Anhalt-Dessau)

Alexius (1767-1834) [1796-1834]
Alexander-Karl (1805-1863) [1834-1863]


Leopold III (1740-1817) [1751-1817]
Leopold IV (1794-1871) [1817-1871]
Friedrich I (1831-1904) [1871-1904]
Friedrich II (1856-Apr 1918) [1904-1918]
Eduard (1861-Sep 1918) [April 1918-Sep 1918]
Joachim-Ernst(1901-1947) [Sep 1918-Nov 1918]


(In 1847, the House became extinct, and the land passed to Anhalt-Dessau)

Ludwig II (1802-1818) [1812-1818]
Friedrich-Ferdinand (1769-1830) [1818-1830]
Heinrich (1778-1847) [1830-1847]

Austria (Österreich)

Franz I (1768-1835) [1792-1835]
// 1792-1806 the Roman Emperor
Ferdinand (1793-1875) [1835-1848]
Franz-Joseph (1830-1916) [1848-1916]
Karl (1887-1922) [1916-1918]


Karl (1786-1818) [1811-1818]
Ludwig I (1763-1830) [1818-1830]
Leopold (1790-1852) [1830-1852]
Ludwig II (1824-1858) [1852-1856]
// Regents: 1852-1855 Friedrich (1826-1907)
Friedrich I (1826-1907) [1856-1907]
Friedrich II (1857-1928) [1907-1918]

Bavaria (Bayern)

Maximilian I Joseph (1756-1825) [1795-1825]
Ludwig I (1786-1868) [1825-1848]
Maximilian II (1811-1864) [1848-1864]
Ludwig II (1845-1886) [1864-1886]
Otto (1848-1916) [1886-1913]
Ludwig III (1845-1921) [1913-1918]

Brunswick (Braunschweig)

Friedrich-Wilhelm (1771-1815) [1813-1815]
Karl (1804-1873) [1815-1830]
Wilhelm (1806-1884) [1830-1884]
1884-1913 Interregnum. Regents: 1885–1906 Albrecht of Prussia; 1907–1913 Johann-Albrecht of Mecklenburg-Schwerin
Ernst-August (1887-1953) [1913-1918]

Hanover (Hannover)

(Until 1837 the land was united with Great Britain. In 1866, the land was annexed to Prussia)

Georg III (1738-1820) [1760-1803/1805; 1813-1820]
Georg IV (1762-1830) [1820-1830]
Wilhelm (1765-1837) [1830-1837]
Ernst-August (1771-1851) [1837-1851]
Georg V (1819-1878) [1851-1866]

Hesse (Hessen)-Kassel

(In 1866 the land was anexed to Prussia)

Wilhelm I (1743-1821) [1785-1806; 1813-1821]
Wilhelm II (1777-1847) [1821-1847]
Friedrich-Wilhelm (1802-1875) [1847-1866]

Hesse (Hessen)-Darmstadt

Ludwig I (1753-1830) [1790-1830]
Ludwig II (1777-1848) [1830-1848]
Ludwig III (1806-1877) [1848-1877]
Ludwig IV (1837-1892) [1877-1892]
Ernst-Ludwig (1868-1937) [1892-1918]

Hesse (Hessen)-Homburg

(In 1866, the House became extinct, and the land passed to Hesse-Darmstadt and Prussia)

Friedrich V (1748-1820) [1751-1806; 1814-1820]
Friedrich VI (1769-1829) [1820-1829]
Ludwig (1770-1839) [1829-1830]
Philipp (1779-1846) [1830-1846]
Gustav (1781-1848) [1846-1848]
Ferdinand (1783Mar 1866) [1848-Mar 1866]


(In 1850, the land passed to Prussia)

Friedrich (1776-1838) [1810-1838]
Friedrich-Wilhelm (1801-1869) [1838-1849]


(In 1850, the land passed to Prussia)

Anton-Alois (1762-1831) [1785-1831]
Karl (1785-1853) [1831-1848]
Karl-Anton (1811-1885) [1848-1849]

Holstein & Lauenburg

(Until 1864 the lands were united with Denmark. In 1865, Lauenburg was annexed to Prussia; in 1866, Holstein was annexed to Prussia)

Friedrich VI (1768-1839) [1808-1839]
Christian VIII (1786-1848) [1839-1848]
Friedrich VII (1808-1863) [1848-1863]
Christian VIII (1816-1906) [1863-1864]


Johann I Joseph (1760-1836) [1805-1806; 1813-1836]
Alois-Joseph II (1796-1858) [1836-1858]
Johann II (1840-1929) [1858-1929]
Franz (1853-1938) [1929-1938]
Franz Josef II (1906-1989) [1938-1989]
Hans-Adam II (born 1945) [1989-]


Wilhelm-Leopold (1767-1802) [1789–1802]
Paul-Alexander-Leopold (1796-1851) [1802-1851]
Friedrich-Emil-Leopold (1821-1875) [1851-1875]
Günther-Friedrich-Woldemar (1824-1895) [1875-1895]
Karl-Alexander (1831-1905) [1895-1905]
// Regents: 1895-1897 Adolf-Wilhelm-Viktor of Schaumburg-Lippe; 1897-1904 Ernst of Lippe-Biesterfeld; 1904-1905 Leopold of Lippe-Biesterfeld
Leopold IV Julius-Bernhard-Adalbert-Otto-Karl-Gustav (1871-1949) [1905-1918]

Luxembourg (Luxemburg)

(In 1815-1890, the land was united with Netherlands. Since 1964 the House of Bourbon-Parma reigned in the land)

Wilhelm I (1772-1843) [1815-1840]
Wilhelm II (1792-1849) [1840-1849]
Wilhelm III (1817-1890) [1849-1890]
Adolf (1817-1905) [1890-1905]
// 1839-1866 Duke of Nassau
Wilhelm IV (1852-1912) [1905-1912]
Marie-Adélaïde (1894-1924) [1912-1919]
Charlotte (1896-1985) [1919-1964]
Johann (Jean) (born 1921) [1964-2000]
// Prince of Bourbon-Parma
Heinrich (Henri) (born 1955) [2000-]


Friedrich-Franz I (1756-1837) [1785-1837]
Paul-Friedrich (1800-1842) [1837-1842]
Friedrich-Franz II (1823-1883) [1842-1883]
Friedrich-Franz III (1851-1897) [1883-1897]
Friedrich-Franz IV (1882-1945) [1897-1918]


Karl II (1741-1816) [1794-1816]
Georg (1779-1860) [1816-1860]
Friedrich-Wilhelm (1822-1904) [1860-1904]
Adolf-Friedrich V (1848-1904) [1904-1914]
Adolf-Friedrich VI (1882-Feb 1918) [1914-1918]


(In 1866, the land was annexed to Prussia)

Friedrich-August (1738-1816) [1803-1816]
Friedrich-Wilhelm (1768-1816) [1788-1816]
Wilhelm (1792-1839) [1816-1839]
Adolf (1817-1905) [1839-1866]
// 1890-1905 Grand Duke of Luxembourg


Peter-Friedrich-Wilhelm (1754-1823) [1785-1806; 1807-1810; 1813-1823]
Peter-Friedrich-Ludwig (1755-1829) [1823-1829]
// 1785-1806; 1807-1810; 1813-1823 Regent of Oldenburg;
Paul-Friedrich-August (1783-1853) [1829-1853]
Nicolaus-Friedrich-Peter (1827-1900) [1853-1900]
Friedrich-August (1852-1931) [1900-1918]

Prussia (Preußen)

(Since 1871 the Kings of Prussia were the German Emperors)

Friedrich-Wilhelm III (1770-1840) [1797-1840]
Friedrich-Wilhelm IV (1795-1861) [1840-1861]
Wilhelm I (1797-1888) [1861-1888]
Friedrich III (1831-1888) [1888-1888]
Wilhelm II (1859-1941) [1888-1918]


(In 1848, the House became extinct, and the land passed to Reuss-Schleiz)

Heinrich LI (1761-1822) [1779-1822]
Heinrich LXXII (1797-1852) [1822-1848]

Reuss-Greiz / the Elder Line

Heinrich XIII (1747-1817) [1800-1817]
Heinrich XIX (1790-1836) [1817-1836]
Heinrich XX (1794-1859) [1836-1859]
Heinrich XXII (1846-1902) [1859-1902]
Heinrich XXIV (1878-1927) [1902-1918]


(In 1824, the House became extinct, and the land passed to Reuss-Ebersdorf)

Heinrich LIV (1767-1824) [1805-1824]

Reuss-Schleiz / the Junior Line

Heinrich XLII (1752-1818) [1784-1818]
Heinrich LXII [1818-1854]
Heinrich LXVII (1789-1867) [1854-1867]
Heinrich XIV (1832-1913) [1867-1913]
Heinrich XXVII (1858-1928) [1913-1918]

Saxony (Sachsen)

Friedrich-August I (1750-1827) [1763-1827]
Anton (1755-1836) [1827-1836]
Friedrich-August II (1797-1854) [1836-1854]
Johann (1801-1873) [1854-1873]
Albert (1828-1902) [1873-1902]
Georg (1832-1904) [1902-1904]
Friedrich-August III (1865-1932) [1904-1918]


(Before 1825, the land belonged to Saxony-Gotha-Altenburg, since 1826 the House of Saxony-Hildburghausen reigned in the land)

Friedrich (1763-1834) [1780-1834]
// 1780-1826 in Saxony-Hildburghausen; in 1826-1834 in Saxony-Altenburg
Joseph (1789-1848) [1834-1848]
Georg (1796-1853) [1848-1853]
Ernst I (1826-1908) [1853-1908]
Ernst II (1871-1955) [1908-1918]


Ernst I (1784-1844) [1807-1844]
Ernst II (1818-1893) [1844-1893]
Alfred (1844-1900) [1893-1900]
Karl-Eduard (1884-1954) [1900-1918]


(In 1825, the House became extinct. In 1826, the lands passed to Saxony-Meiningen and Saxony-Coburg)

Emil-Leopold-August (1772-1822) [1804-1822]
Friedrich IV (1774-1825) [1822-1825]


(In 1826, the land passed to Saxony-Meiningen, and the House of Saxony-Hildburghausen moved to Saxony-Altenburg)

Friedrich (1763-1834) [1780-1834]


Bernhard II (1800-1882) [1803-1866]
Georg II (1826-1914) [1866-1914]
Bernhard III (1851-1928) [1914-1918]


Karl-August (1757-1828) [1758-1828]
Karl-Friedrich (1783-1853) [1828-1853]
Karl-Alexander (1818-1901) [1853-1901]
Wilhelm-Ernst(1876-1923) [1901-1918]


Georg-Wilhelm (1784-1860) [1787-1860]
Adolf-Georg (1817-1893) [1860-1893]
Georg (1846-1911) [1893-1911]
Stephan-Albrecht-Georg (1883-1936) [1911-1918]


Friedrich-Günther (1793-1867) [1807-1867]
Albert (1798-1869) [1867-1869]
Georg (1838-1890) [1869-1890]
Günther (1853-1925) [1890-1918]


(In 1909, the land passed to Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt)

Günther-Friedrich-Karl I (1760-1837) [1794-1835]
Günther-Friedrich-Karl II (1801-1889) [1835-1880]
Karl-Günther (1830-1909) [1880-1909]


Georg-Heinrich (1789-1845) [1813-1845]
Georg-Viktor (1831-1893) [1845-1893]
Friedrich (1865-1946) [1893-1918]


Friedrich I (1754-1816) [1797-1816]
Wilhelm I (1781-1864) [1816-1864]
Karl (1823-1891) [1864-1891]
Wilhelm II (1848-1921) [1891-1918]